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CG17482 - Indexation: example: small part-disposal

August 1983 Q bought a field for £60,000.

3 August 1988 the highway authority acquired a `small part’ compulsorily for £8,000. Relief was claimed under TCGA92/S242 as the proceeds were less than one-fifth of the value.

3 August 1991 the field is sold for £62,000.

- - - £
- Sale proceeds - 62,000
Less Costs 60,000 -
- less small part-disposal 8,000 52,000
- Unindexed gain - 10,000

(The indexation factor for the adjustment, which is 0.243, represents notional expenditure on 3 August 1988, see CG17360.)

- - - £
Indexation is 60,000 at 0.565 33,900 -
Less 8,000 at 0.243 1,944 31,956
- ALLOWABLE LOSS - (21,956)