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CG26530 - Arrival in and departure from UK: temporary non-residence: persons within the scope of TCGA92/S10A* - year of departure 2013-14 or later

Broadly a person is chargeable to Capital Gains Tax in respect of chargeable gains accruing to them in a year in which they are resident in the UK.

In the context of TCGA/S2* a ‘person’ includes individuals, trustees of a settlement and companies. Companies are normally excluded from the charge to Capital Gains Tax and are charged to Corporation Tax on their chargeable gains by TCGA92/S1(2)* and CTA09/S2.

Where TCGA92/S10A* applies, the time at which a gain accrues is altered for the purposes of the charging provision at section 2*. Section 10A* only applies to gains and losses which accrue, or are treated as accruing, to individuals. It cannot change the time of accrual of gains of companies or trustees or other persons who are not individuals.

*These provisions were re-written for disposals from 6 April 2019 see CG10150.