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CG31420 - Death and Personal Representatives: Variation of the devolution of an estate: Outline:Varying devolution of estate: reference to a specialist office

If it becomes necessary to seek further guidance about a point of doubt or difficulty concerning the variation of the devolution of an estate please follow the rest of this paragraph.

  • You will need to obtain
  • a copy of the will and probate


  • a copy of the relevant deed or instrument of appointment, disclaimer or variation.
  • If you are asking for guidance from HMRC Trusts and Estates (but not IHT) please follow the guidance in TSEM on seeking technical help.
  • If you are asking for guidance from Capital Gains Technical Group or HMRC – Trusts and Estates IHT follow the guidance which is accessible on the Intranet version of the CG manual by clicking in the left hand margin.