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CG57370 - Non-resident companies: tax adjustment and reliefs: disposal of interest by UK resident participator

A UK resident who has incurred a charge under TCGA92/S13* may later dispose of their shares or other interest in the non-resident company. Any tax paid by the UK resident in pursuance of subsection (2) should be allowed as a deduction in computing the gain on the disposal of the shares or other interest. No deduction is due if the tax was paid by the non-resident company, see CG57390.



  • June 2016 a taxpayer buys 500 out of the 750 issued shares in X Ltd, a non- resident close company, at a cost of £100,000.
  • March 2017 X Ltd realises a gain of £6,000. 500/750 x £6,000 = £4,000 is apportioned to the taxpayer. The amount is included in the 2016-17 Self Assessment return. The taxpayer was liable at 20 per cent and tax of £800 was due.
  • August 2017 the taxpayer sells the shares for £130,000.

Chargeable Gain

- - - £
- Disposal proceeds - 130,000
Less Cost 100,000 -
Less Section 13(7) deduction 800 100,800
- Chargeable gain - 29,200

* TCGA92/S13 was re-written for disposals from 6th of April 2019 see CG10150.