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CG59517 - Valuation: quoted shares and units in a Unit Trust: checking valuations

You should normally accept the taxpayer's value of a quoted share or security but see

CG13140 for negligible value claims
CG59514 if you are dealing with a non arm's length disposal of a large block of shares.

In the main, online information stating the values of quoted shares and securities can be relied upon. If you have any queries about these values, however, contact Shares and Assets Valuation to discuss further. 

See CG57690+ for guidance on the Valuation of Units in a Unit Trust. The valuation of units or interests in organisations similar to unit trusts can be dealt with on the same basis.

  • If `bid' and `offer' prices are published on a regular basis take the bid price. You should usually accept the taxpayer’s figures, see CG57691.
  • If `bid' and `offer' prices are not published on a regular basis treat the units or interests as unquoted shares. You will need to get a valuation from SAV, see CG57693.

This guidance applies whether the organisation is situated in the UK or overseas.