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CG63600 - Investors’ Relief: the lifetime cap

TCGA92/169VK and TCGA92/S169VL

The amount of gains that can be charged at the Investors’ Relief rate is limited to £10 million for each individual: the “lifetime cap”.

As explained at CG63590 it is possible for trustees to access the relief by reference to the lifetime cap of an individual who is a beneficiary with an interest in possession.

The amount of relief available to an individual will therefore be the lifetime cap less the amount of any gains on earlier disposals that were the subject of an Investors’ Relief claim by the individual, including any claim made jointly with trustees.

Any balance of gains that exceed the £10 million allowance is chargeable at the applicable CGT rate for the individual or, where relevant, trustees.

See CG63500 for a general description of the relief and the layout of the guidance.