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CG64650 - Private residence relief: non-residential use and letting: introduction

S222(1)(a) TCGA92 sets out that relief is available in respect of a disposal of a dwelling-house or part of a dwelling-house which has been used as the individual’s only or main residence at some time during their period of ownership. Relief is not available under s222(1)(a) TCGA92 for any part of the dwelling-house which has never been so used.

S224(1) TCGA92

There is also a specific exclusion from relief resulting from S224(1) TCGA92 for any part of the dwelling-house which has been used exclusively for a trade or for similar purposes, see CG64660+.

S224(2) TCGA92

Furthermore, S224(2) TCGA92 sets out that if there has been a change in the use of some part of the dwelling-house during the period of ownership, the relief is adjusted accordingly see CG64760+.

This section explains what relief is due when some or all of the dwelling-house has been:

· used for a trade, business, profession or vocation, see CG64660+

· used for an office or employment, see CG64690

· used by a lodger or let, see CG64700+

· unused, see CG64750.