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CG64920 - Capital Gains Manual: Reliefs: Private residence relief: ownership period: introduction

Private residence relief will relieve the gain accruing on the disposal of a dwelling-house to the extent that, during their period of ownership, it has been used as its owner’s only or main residence.

There are statutory rules at s222(7) TCGA92 and at s223(7) TCGA92 which determine the date on which the period of ownership is taken to begin. These rules only apply for the purpose of computing the amount of private residence relief due. They do not affect the computation of the gain itself.

The definitions of the period of ownership in s222(7) TCGA92 and in s223(7) TCGA92 are different and may not coincide. They are applied in different circumstances for different purposes.

S222(7) TCGA92

Relief is available in principle if the dwelling-house is within s222 TCGA92. A dwelling-house will be within s222 TCGA92 if it has been its owner’s only or main residence at any time in the period of ownership defined at s222(7) TCGA92. For this purpose, the period of ownership is taken to begin at the date of the first acquisition on which the owner could have incurred expenditure deductible in computing the amount of the gain, see CG64930-CG64935.

S223(7) TCGA92

If the dwelling-house is within s222 TCGA92 the amount of relief which is due is governed by s223 TCGA92. For a disposal on or after 6 April 1988 the period of ownership for the purpose of computing the amount of relief cannot include any period before 31 March 1982, see CG64940 - CG64944.

S223(7A) TCGA92

Where the whole or part of the gain to which s222 TCGA92 applies is an NRCGT gain (see CG73700+) the period of ownership does not include any period before 6 April 2015. However, under s223(7A) TCGA92 the definition of period of ownership above does not apply where the individual has made an election for the retrospective basis of taxation to apply.

S226A TCGA92

However, no private residence relief is due if:

  • the owner acquired the dwelling-house on or after 10 December 2003, and
  • the acquisition cost of the dwelling-house (for CGT purposes) is reduced by gift hold-over relief under s260 TCGA92 (see CG67030+).

For further information, see CG64933+.