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CG68000 - Goodwill and Intellectual Property Rights: introduction

This part of the guidance explains the nature of goodwill and Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and their treatment for CG purposes.

Please note, however, that because of developments in technology and the way in which intellectual property is dealt with in commercial transactions, it is an area where our views are developing. Any cases of doubt or difficulty should be referred to the CG Technical Group.

The list of IPRs dealt with in this part of the guidance is not exhaustive. New types of IPRs are coming into existence all the time. This is especially so in relation to computers which are the basic machinery from which the so called Knowledge Economy has developed.

FA02/S84 and Schedules 29 and 30 introduced a new regime for dealing, in certain circumstances, with intangible assets acquired by corporate businesses on or after 1 April 2002. Guidance on the new regime is given in the Corporate Intangibles, Research & Development Manual (CIRD). Intangible assets held by corporate businesses on 31 March 2002 will generally be taxed under the CG rules explained in this Manual.