CG73860P - Non-Resident Capital Gains Tax (NRCGT) – Disposals from 6 April 2015 to 5 April 2019: Interaction between Non-Resident CGT and ATED-related CGT: contents
CG73860+ is concerned with the interaction between non-resident CGT and ‘ATED-related’ CGT, and gives detailed coverage of the rules for computations where disposals are within the scope of both sets of charging provisions.
CG73863Computation, broad principles
CG73867Relevant high value disposals, changes to legislation linking with non-resident CGT provisions
CG73870Sch 4ZZB/Part 4, NRCGT disposals in cases involving relevant high value disposals
CG73873Disposal of assets held at 5 April 2015 (where no election made and no rebasing in 2016 required)
CG73877Pre-April 2015 assets computations, examples
CG73881Disposal of asset acquired after 5 April 2015, or where election made under paragraph 2(1)(b) (but no rebasing in 2016
CG73884Post April 2015 assets and retrospective basis of computation, examples
CG73887Certain disposals after 5 April 2016 (computation involving additional rebasing in 2016)
CG73891Post April 2016 disposals computations, example
CG73894Amount of gain or loss that is neither ATED-related nor an NRCGT gain or loss
CG73897Gain or loss not ATED-related or NRCGT computations, examples
CG73903Relevant high value disposal and 'other' disposal comprised in disposal of land
CG73906Interest under contract for 'off-plan' purchase
CG73909Wasting assets for purposes of Sch 4ZZB
CG73912Capital allowances for purposes of Sch 4ZZB
CG73915Establishing the correct computational method for disposals potentially liable to both ATED-Related CGT and Non-Resident CGT