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CG75800 - Land outside United Kingdom

  1. Introduction

When a valuation of a foreign property (that is land or buildings outside the United Kingdom, including land or buildings in the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man) is required, the guidance below should be followed.

  1. Valuation procedure

The precise procedure to be followed depends on whether the foreign property in question is residential or commercial property, and on the amount of the sale proceeds. Properties with mixed commercial and residential use should be treated as commercial properties for the purpose of this guidance.

Commercial property

Where the property is a commercial property, in all cases a valuation request should be sent to the Valuation Office Agency at the Land Portfolio Valuation Unit, following the submission procedure below, to:-

  • (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
  • (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

Residential property

Where the property is a residential property and the disposal is at arm’s length, a valuation request should be sent to Shares and Assets Valuation, addressed to SAV Foreign Land, following the submission procedure below, except in cases where:-

  • the sale proceeds are less than £100,000,
  • the only valuation required is at 31 March 1982, and
  • the value returned by the customer is not more than 1/3rd of the sale proceeds.

In these circumstances, the customer’s valuation should be accepted without further enquiry.

Where the property is a residential property but the disposal is not at arm’s length, in all cases a valuation request should be sent to Shares and Assets Valuation, addressed to SAV Foreign Land, following the submission procedure below.

  1. Submission procedure

In all cases where a valuation is required in accordance with the guidance above, the customer or their agent should be asked to provide a valuation at the relevant date, prepared by a professionally qualified valuer.

When such a valuation has been obtained, or if the customer is unable or unwilling to provide such a valuation, the case should be submitted to either the Valuation Office Agency at the Land Portfolio Valuation Unit or SAV Foreign Land as appropriate, along with a report setting out the following details:-

  • The address and a full description of the property including the area of land owned.
  • The reason why a valuation is required, for example a 31 March 1982 valuation for rebasing purposes.
  • The dates of acquisition and disposal of the property.
  • The disposal proceeds and the allowable expenditure.
  • Whether the disposal was by way of a bargain made at arm’s length.
  • The customer’s interest in the property, for example whether it was a freehold or leasehold interest. If the customer held the property under a lease, a copy of the lease should be provided.
  • Details of any tenancy to which the property was subject at the valuation date, for example the rent payable and the duration of the lease.
  • The valuation put forward by the customer along with a copy of any professional valuer’s report which has been obtained.
  • A computation of the gain or loss arising on the disposal using the valuation put forward by the customer.

Any other relevant information or documents which are provided by the customer should accompany the valuation request.