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CG77000 - Valuation: help with valuations


Shares and Assets Valuation Nottingham has libraries of information regarding various types of chattels.

Shares and Assets Valuation undertake the valuation of the following:

Asset Refferal Point
Antiques SAV Chattels
Jewellery SAV Chattels
Manuscripts SAV Chattels
Pictures or other works of art SAV Chattels
Items of plate SAV Chattels
Ships SAV Ships
Aircraft SAV Ships
Caravans SAV Ships
Bloodstock SAV Bloodstock
Livestock herds SAV Bloodstock
Other SAV Chattels

If you need a particular chattel valued or a valuation needs to be checked, then please refer the matter to Shares and Assets Valuation, Ferrers House, Castle Meadow Road, Nottingham, NG2 1BD.