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CIDERUPDATE131212 - CIDER guidance: changes 12 December 2013

Below are details of the amendments that were published on 12 December 2013 (see the update index for all updates)

Page Below are details of the amendments that were published on 12 December 2013 (see the update index for all updates)
CIDER02140 Removed references to departmental databases
CIDER02150 Text has been amended to clarify registration position
CIDER09010 Text has been amended to correct inaccuracy
CIDER09030 Text has been amended to correct inaccuracy
CIDER10200 Text has been included to confirm penalty position
CIDER10320 Text has been included to confirm penalty position
CIDER10330 Text has been included to give relevant legislation
CIDER11020 Deleted Black Beer from Made-wine definition in Glossary list