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CCM11010 - End of year: Finalisation Background

End of Year process is the term used to define action that is needed once we reach 5 April. This date is significant because it effectively ends the tax credit year.

Claimants are then issued with a S17 notice declaration in which they are required to declare that the information is correct for the previous year or advise of any changes and give us accurate income figures for that year.

We use that information to make a decision to finalise the Previous Year and renew the current year.

Most of the end of year processes are either automatic or they are handled by processing staff. However, Compliance staff need to be aware of the following

  • An overview of the end of year processes. You will need this so that you are aware of the processes which might take place in your cases and so you can help claimants understand what happens at the year end
  • What to do if an examination is still open at the year end. Not all of your examinations will be settled by 5 April so you will need to know what steps can be taken to bring them to a conclusion. See CCM11100
  • What to do if an enquiry is still open at the following 5 April. In these cases additional action is needed before you can settle the enquiry. See CCM11100