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CCM11100 - End of year: Action to take at 5 April

When an Examination/Enquiry is still open at 5 April it can no longer be settled until the S17 declaration information has been obtained, or we have gone past 1SD. A response can be given by telephone, face to face interview or completed Annual Declaration.

If the Examination/Enquiry is open on Tax Credit Workbench (TCW) and is still open at 5 April, the Inhibit Finalisation signal needs to be set on the NTC system. If this has not been done, you will need to set the signal.

Note: If the Examination/Enquiry is open on CCMIS, you will manually need to set the Inhibit Finalisation

To set the Inhibit Finalisation signal follow the guidance is TCM1000173

Note: the Inhibit Finalisation signal can be set, unset and set again for the same year

  • Manually setting the Inhibit Finalisation signal will stop the relevant tax credit year from being finalised and renewed automatically. How you proceed, will depend on the type of case you have open on 5 April
  • In all cases you must write to the claimant, using letter TCC86 (available on SEES) asking them to return the S17 Notice (Annual Declaration) direct to the Compliance Officer dealing with the case
  • Enter the standardised message UA02 or the relevant UG standardised message, depending on the risk you are working, as a Compliance ‘retained’ note using Function MAINTAIN HOUSEHOLD NOTES, if not already done. Follow the guidance in TCM1000001

Note: Make sure that UA02 or the relevant UG standardised message includes the following option - ‘inhibit finalisation signal set for (year)’