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CCM12060 - Opening and Working Enquiries: Date the Enquiry Window Closes: Non-SA Customers

The date on which the enquiry window closes is linked to the specified date in S17 rather than to the date on which the final decision is made. For customers who are not within SA, the time limit for opening an enquiry can never be later than one year after the specified date (S19(4)(b)) - either the first or the second specified date, as appropriate.

Where the customer returns their actual income by the first specified date, see CCM11040 without having previously provided estimated details, the enquiry window will close a year after the first specified date. However, where the customer returns an estimate of their income by the first specified date they have until the second specified date to return the actual figures and in these circumstances the enquiry window will close a year after the second specified date. This will be the situation even if they have provided the actual details before the first specified date. For example, for 2007/08 the customer provides estimated details on 1 June 2008 and then sends in the actual details on 1 July 2008. The enquiry window closes on 31 January 2010.

Note that there may be some cases where, for a particular reason, the S17 notice has a different first specified date, for example the notice is issued late. The customer will be allowed 30 days to return the notice and this date will be specified on the S17 notice. In any such case, the enquiry window will close a year after that date - for example, if the date specified was 30 November 2008, the enquiry window would close on 30 November 2009.

Examples of the date the enquiry window closes are at CCM12080.

For customers within SA - see CCM12070.