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CCM16590 - Enquiries: Penalty cases: Amending the award

Once you have issued the TCC94 letter how you proceed depends on whether there is a continuing award.

a. No continuing award

You should begin the process of amending the award which must be carried out in 3 stages.

Stage 1 - The day after the letter has been issued to the claimant you should save the screen print to casebook for each year covered by the enquiry (including the CY if there is a recovery for that year) before the amendment is made.

The screen prints for enquiry years (or any years involving a discovery) will show the position at finalisation before the amendment is made. The screen print for a CY will show the latest in-year position.

Stage 2 - You should then revise the awards for all relevant years. It is important that this action is not taken until the TCC94 letter has been issued to the claimant so they are aware of the need to ignore the messages regarding the recovery of the overpayments. Where adjustments are needed for more than one year you should start with the earliest year and then work through the adjustments always remembering to adjust an earlier year before a later one.

Stage 3 - Two days after the award has been amended you should take further screen prints for each year to show the revised position. If the system has not been updated to show the revisions you should continue to monitor this on a daily basis until the revisions have been implemented. The screen prints should now show a figure of overpaid credits for the enquiry years.

Once you have completed stage 3 you should proceed as in c. below.

b. Continuing award

You should then revise the awards for all relevant years. It is important that this action is not taken until the TCC94 letter has been issued to the claimant so they are aware of what will happen next. Where adjustments are needed for more than one year you should start with the earliest year and then work through the adjustments always remembering to adjust an earlier year before a later one.

c. All cases

Once you have issued the revised awards BF your papers for 30 days to allow for the appeal period.