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CCM17520 - Discrepancy Enquiries: Action: Other risks apart from the discrepancy

Under S16 we can revise a claimant’s award as many times as necessary during the year. However once a S18 decision has been made to finalise the award, we can only revise it through an enquiry or discovery decision, and we can only enquire once into a person’s or couple’s entitlement to tax credits for a year. See CCM13000 for more information about discovery and CCM12015 for more detail and an example of the single enquiry.

It is therefore very important for you to be alert to the possibility that there may be other problems with the award apart from the discrepancy you are investigating.


  • you suspect irregularities in any other area
  • in their response to your opening letter, or at any other time during your enquiry, the claimant gives you extra information that makes you think that other aspects of their award are wrong
  • you get information from a third party that makes you think that other aspects of the claimant’s award are wrong

discuss your findings with your manager to consider whether it is more appropriate to treat this as a multi risk discrepancy case or open a full enquiry to make an in depth review of the entire claim.

If the case is taken up for a full enquiry, transfer the case on TCW and send any case papers.

If the case is not taken up for a full enquiry, continue to consider the claimant’s response and make your decision, see:

  • CCM17470 where the claimant replied agreeing that our information is correct and their claim should be adjusted
  • CCM17480 where the claimant replied disagreeing with our information and/or providing alternative information
  • CCM17530 if the claimant didn’t respond.