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CCM18220 - Child Benefit and Tax Credits: Options If Information Requested Is Not Received

If you do not receive the information requested by the date specified in your letter or if there is no response from the claimant(s) to your request for a meeting, you will need to consider taking formal action. The options are to:

Tax credits

  • Issue a formal notice to obtain the information using the standard letter template TCC6A at CCM21410 where the informal request was sent to the claimant, or TCC6B at CCM21420 where the informal request was sent to an agent or representative.
  • Make a formal decision on the award (for pre-award examinations and unprocessed Change of Circumstances)
  • Amend or terminate the award (for post-award examinations and processed Change of Circumstances and enquiries).

Child Benefit

You may suspend payment of Child Benefit