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CCM3150 - Liaison: External Links - DWP - Requesting Information from DWP

Now we have access to ADD there is no longer any need to contact DWP as there is little additional information that DWP could disclose to us that is not already available on ADD. If you need to check DWP information or data you should access ADD.

If the information you need is not on ADD you should write to the customer as normal and if you do not receive a reply to your request for information you should return to the guidance you were following to take the correct action.

If your letter is returned RLS, or if the customer’s address is already marked RLS, then you must follow the RLS action in the guidance.

If you are unable to get the information from ADD or the customer and the query is regarding if the customer is getting the JSA element for Universal Credit then an email can be sent to (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) . This should only be used if the information can not be provided from ADD or the customer.