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CCM3170 - Liaison: External Links - DWP - IS/JSA/MIG cases

The majority of NTC customers will not be customers of the DWP as well, because they will be in work and working a sufficient number of hours to meet the entitlement for WTC. But people in receipt of Income Support (IS), (Income Based) Job Seeker’s Allowance (JSA/IB) or Minimum Income Guarantee (MIG) will, from April 2004, have state help for children migrated from these benefits to CTC. HMRC staff will liaise with DWP JC+ staff for IS/JSA/MIG business.

CTC will be paid at the maximum rate applicable to the family circumstances. This is because IS/JSA(IB)/MIG income-based entitlement effectively “passports” those customers through the income test. Customers in receipt of IS/JSA(IB)/MIG will not have to report any figure for income on their claim forms. The partners of IS/JSA(IB)/MIG customers are allowed to work 16 - 24 hours a week without the IS/JSA(IB)/MIG entitlement being affected (but subject to the amount of the partner’s earnings). Any such income will, however, have to be reported on the NTC claim form.