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CCM6000 - Particular Aspects: contents

  1. CCM6025
    Potential Organised Fraud - General
  2. CCM6035
    Identifying Potential Organised Fraud
  3. CCM6045
    Potential Organised Fraud - Pre-Award Cases
  4. CCM6055
    Suspicious Bank Accounts
  5. CCM6065
    Potential Organised Fraud - Cases Identified Post- Award
  6. CCM6075
    Potential Organised Fraud - Information Identified
  7. CCM6085
    Potential Organised Fraud - Stencil to Refer Cases to CCRT
  8. CCM6210
    Child Care - Entitlement to Child Care Element
  9. CCM6230
    Child Care - Definition of Incapacitated
  10. CCM6240
    Child Care - Definition of charges
  11. CCM6245
    Child Care - Payment of Charges - Facts to consider and information to request
  12. CCM6265
    Child Care - Obtaining Information to confirm Child Care Provider is appropriately registered
  13. CCM6270
    Child Care - Future arrangements for Child care
  14. CCM6275
    Child Care - Where Child Care is provided
  15. CCM6280
    Child Care - Definition of a child
  16. CCM6300
    Child Care - Calculating Average Weekly Child Care Charges (prior to 6 April 2003)
  17. CCM6305
    Child Care - Calculating Average Weekly Child Care Charges (from 6 April 2003)
  18. CCM6310
    Child Care - Changes of Circumstances relating to Child Care Costs
  19. CCM6315
    Child Care - Calculating Changes in Average Weekly Child Care Charges
  20. CCM6320
    Child Care - Identification of cases for checking Child Care Costs
  21. CCM6330
    Child Care - CCRO unable to contact the Child Care Provider
  22. CCM6340
    Child Care - CCRO contacted the Child Care Provider
  23. CCM6350
    Child Care - Child care Provider refuses to supply information
  24. CCM6390
    Child Care - CCO action when CCRO unable to contact Child Care Provider
  25. CCM6410
    Child Care - Evaluating information from Child Care Provider
  26. CCM6420
    Child Care - Child Care provider does not confirm claimant's details
  27. CCM6440
    Child Care - Appeals against decision to Terminate / Amend award
  28. CCM6460
    Child Care - Post-award Child Care Examinations
  29. CCM6470
    Child Care - Importance of up to date information
  30. CCM6480
    Child Care - Obtaining further information from the Child Care Providers
  31. CCM6600
    Work & Hours - Remunerative Work and Hours Worked
  32. CCM6610
    Work & Hours - Meaning of Remunerative Work
  33. CCM6620
    Work & Hours - Types of activity not included in the Definition of Remunerative Work
  34. CCM6630
    Work & Hours - Qualifying Hours and determining the number of Hours Worked
  35. CCM6640
    Work & Hours - Seasonal Work
  36. CCM6650
    Work & Hours - Home Working
  37. CCM6660
    Work & Hours - Areas of Risk
  38. CCM6670
    Work & Hours - Employed Claimants
  39. CCM6680
    Work & Hours - Employed Customer - National Minimum Wage (NMW) section have already reviewed case - NMW not operated
  40. CCM6690
    Work & Hours - Employed Customer - National Minimum Wage (NMW) section have already reviewed case - NMW operated
  41. CCM6700
    Work & Hours - Employed Customer - National Minimum Wage (NMW) section decide to re-open their review
  42. CCM6710
    Work & Hours - Employed Customer - National Minimum Wage (NMW) section decide not to re-open their review
  43. CCM6720
    Work & Hours - Information received from employers - possible referral to Employer Compliance (EC) or Criminal Investigations (CI)
  44. CCM6730
    Work & Hours - Employed Customer - National Minimum Wage (NMW) section have not reviewed case
  45. CCM6740
    Work & Hours - Self-employed Customer - Self-employment for Tax Credit Purposes
  46. CCM6745
    Work & Hours - Self-employed Customer - What is Remunerative Work
  47. CCM6750
    Work & Hours - Self-employed Customer - Types of Remunerative Work
  48. CCM6755
    Work & Hours - Self-employed Customer - Hours Worked - Activities
  49. CCM6760
    Work & Hours - Self-employed Customer - Particular Trades
  50. CCM6765
    Work & Hours - Self-employed Customer - Migrant Workers
  51. CCM6770
    Work & Hours - Self-employed Customer - Opening Letters
  52. CCM6775
    Work & Hours - Self-employed Customer - Documents Received
  53. CCM6780
    Work & Hours - Self-employed Customer - System Interrogation/Third Parties
  54. CCM6790
    Work & Hours - Self-employed Customer - Telephone or Face to Face Interview
  55. CCM6800
    Work & Hours - Self-employed Customer - Making a Decision
  56. CCM6810
    Work & Hours - Claimants with mixed Employed / Self-Employed income
  57. CCM6820
    Work & Hours - Obtaining information from neighbours for whom claimants provide services
  58. CCM6825
    Income - General
  59. CCM6826
    Income - Claimant earned income outside the UK
  60. CCM6830
    Estimated Income - General
  61. CCM6840
    Estimated Income - Examinations - Statutory Authority
  62. CCM6860
    Estimated Income - Testing - Not Investigating
  63. CCM6870
    Estimated Income - Evidence
  64. CCM6890
    Estimated Income - Using an estimate higher than PY Figure
  65. CCM6900
    Estimated Income - Work & Hours - Advising claimants of the impact on their payments and of the end of year reconciliation
  66. CCM6905
    Income - Claimant tells you about an unreported source of SA income
  67. CCM6906
    Income - Prisoners
  68. CCM6910
    Claims to the disability Element /Severe Disability Element
  69. CCM6920
    Disability Risks
  70. CCM6940
    Disability - Looking at Risks or Doubts
  71. CCM6980
    Residency - Claimants who are from an EEA State or an A8 National General
  72. CCM6990
    Backdating rules for changes of circumstances