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CCM9020 - Cashcheque offences: Cashcheque and other payments

Tax Credits can be paid in a number of ways to successful claimants. Working Tax Credits (WTC) can be paid by:

  • Automated Credit Transfer (ACT) into a nominated bank account;
  • Cashcheque.

Child tax Credits (CTC) can be paid by:

  • Automated Credit Transfer (ACT) into a nominated bank account; or
  • Cashcheque.

Note: A small number of Payable Orders are issued each year usually where overseas banks are unable to accept payments through the BACs system. Cashcheques are not acceptable in this situation. Compliance procedures for these few payable orders are the same as those described in this chapter for cashcheques. So where you see ‘cashcheques’ read as ‘cashcheque/payable order’