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CCM9040 - Cashcheque offences: Payments by cashcheque

Cashcheques are issued individually, they do not come in books. Post Offices (POs) have a standing instruction not to cash cashcheques that are valued at more than £350 each. Cashcheques for more than £350 are crossed and must be paid into a bank account.

Cashcheques are issued by the computer system if there are large arrears payments to be made or if there is a problem with the claimant’s bank account.

Cashcheques can also be issued manually. Cashcheques are normally issued manually if there is a computer problem or if there is an ongoing problem with the bank account.

If the claimant(s) does not have access to a bank account into which a high value cashcheque can be paid they can return it to the Tax Credit Office (TCO) who will reissue it as a series of cashcheques each for less than £350. The claimant(s) can then cash the cashcheques as normal.