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CCM9340 - Cashcheque offences: Investigation by Claimant Compliance Team: Questions to ask

You should decide what questions you need to ask the claimant(s) based on the circumstances of the particular case. The information you need to obtain may include:- Whether they have they ever allowed anyone else to cash a cashcheque on their behalf, and if so who? - Who else may have had access to the cashcheque? Where it is normally kept and are other members of the household or regular visitors aware of this? - Are they well known at the Post Office where they normally cash the cashcheque? - Did any other documents go missing at the same time as the cashcheque? If so what were they? (If other stolen documents bear the claimant’s signature this would give a third party culprit the opportunity to rehearse the planned forgery.) - Which signatures on the various cashcheque do they accept are their own (this should include the cashcheque for the regular encashments)? What explanation can they offer for the others? - If they do not think the signature is their own do they recognise the writing? Who else is likely to be able to copy their signature? - What are their postal arrangements (e.g. shared letterbox) and who else has access to their mail? - Has any other mail gone missing in the past and has this been reported to the Royal Mail?