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CH154520 - Penalties for failure to pay on time: rules for specific taxes: Stamp Duty Reserve Tax (SDRT): failure to pay all or part of amounts due - overview

If a person fails to make a full payment of SDRT by the penalty date, they become liable to a penalty on the amount unpaid.

The penalties for failing to pay SDRT in full and on time are

  • an initial penalty of 5% for tax unpaid at the penalty date, see CH154530, and
  • two further penalties of 5% each for tax unpaid at 5 and 11 months after the penalty date, see CH154540.

So a failure to pay that continues for 11 months after the penalty date can incur all of these penalties on the same unpaid tax.

It is important to distinguish between

  • the accountable date for payment - the date when the accountable person needs to pay the tax, and
  • the penalty date - which is the first date on which a penalty is chargeable for a tax period.