CH203565 - How to do a compliance check: recording information: use of HMRC digital devices during compliance checks: the use of other recording functions on HMRC digital devices
This page and chapter are under review as the relevant content is also published in the technical guidance chapters of the Compliance Handbook, within Compliance checks factsheets and in Compliance checks guidance. If you use particular pages regularly, please email to let us know the specific content you find useful.
Video recording software
You must not use the video recording software on your digital device inside or outside HMRC premises during a compliance check. This is because you may obtain private information.
Voice recognition software
You must not record information or use the voice recognition software on your digital device when on a customer’s premises. This is because you may obtain private information and this could constitute surveillance activity, which would require a RIPA application. You may use the voice recognition or recording software on your digital device in certain circumstances when you are away from the customer's premises. For example, you may use it when in your car, but not whilst driving, to record information to use as trigger notes when you cannot complete your notebook.
How you record notes will depend on which device you are using: On your Blackberry, use the voice recognition software in the 'Docs to Go' app in the Personal Space section of your BlackBerry, to dictate a word document and email the document to your HMRC secure email address. You must send the word document attached to an email from your HMRC email account to your secure email address and delete it from your Blackberry. You must not make voice notes in 'Remember' (the yellow Notes section) because they cannot be emailed.
On your Surface pro, record your notes into the Sway app within OneDrive.
On your iphone, record your notes using the Voice memos function within Utilities and share to OneDrive. (There are no plans to introduce the Sway app for mobile phones.) Delete the file from Voice Memos immediately.
Recording trigger notes on a BlackBerry
You can use your digital device to make trigger notes in situations when you are unable to use your notebook. You can do this when carrying out a test eat in a restaurant. If your device is 0365-enabled, you can type your notes into a Word document and save it to OneDrive. If your device is not 0365-enabled, you must record your trigger notes as an email and send the email to your HMRC secure email address.