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CH204060 - How to do a compliance check: notebooks for compliance checks: recording the issue of notebooks

All managers should keep a permanent electronic record of the notebooks used by each caseworker in their team for recording details of compliance checks.

The record should include details of

  • all notebooks completed
  • the date they were started
  • the date they were taken out of use, and
  • the location of any completed notebooks.

All notebooks should be clearly marked with a sequential issue number with the name of the caseworker and the year and the date of issue, for example:

  • John Smith, 3/2012, 1/1/2012

The date the notebook is taken out of use should be clearly marked, for example:

  • John Smith, 3/2012, 1/1/2012 - 9/7/2012

Line managers must keep the notebooks of caseworkers transferring out of their team or leaving the department and ensure they are stored securely.

All notebooks must be stored on HMRC premises.