CH204100 - How to do a compliance check: notebooks for compliance checks: using electronic or digital notebooks

This page and chapter are under review as the relevant content is also published in the technical guidance chapters of the Compliance Handbook, within Compliance checks factsheets and in Compliance checks guidance. If you use particular pages regularly, please email to let us know the specific content you find useful.

You may use your HMRC tablet or Laptop to take notes during your compliance check or meeting with a customer providing you follow the guidance below for saving notes.

You must always use Microsoft Word to type your notes and you must record information following guidance at CH203520.

At the end of the compliance check or meeting : -

  • If you have recorded any HumInt information in your notes you must
    • save the Word document as a PDF document
    • attach the PDF to a HumInt Contact Report (HCR), available in SEES, and submit to RIS
    • delete the PDF document from your tablet or laptop
    • delete all HumInt information from the Word document
    • delete emails sent to RIS containing Humint from your 'Sent Items' and your 'Deleted Items'
    • empty your 'Recycle Bin'
  • In all cases you must
    • save the Word document as a PDF document
    • upload the PDF document to Caseflow, the appropriate case management system using the relevant Naming Convention within 24 hours of the notes being taken
    • delete both documents from your tablet or laptop.

You must not save a copy of any HumInt material to caseflow or other departmental systems, see HumInt Mandatory Instructions.

If you need to add any further information about the compliance check or meeting, you must record this in a separate document, save it as a PDF and upload it to Caseflow, the appropriate case management system or CAF.

You must not use your tablet or laptop to make an audio or video recording of a compliance check or meeting with a customer see CH204520.