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CH205430 - How to do a compliance check: types of compliance checks: joint working with other government agencies: the illegal working and labour market team

The Illegal Working and Labour Market Team is responsible for HMRC’s Illegal Working and Modern Slavery compliance activity. The team works across government to help end illegal working practices, especially where they relate to the employment of illegal migrants and the unlawful employment conditions of legal migrants. They do this by exchanging information and working with RIS to identify cases for compliance activity where there are HMRC risks.

The Illegal Working and Labour Market Team have a cross government network and can assist you in liaising with OGDs. You should inform the team if you come across any indicators of Illegal Working or Modern Slavery during a compliance check. For example: You should contact the team if you believe migrant workers are not being paid the minimum wage.

The team is also responsible for organising the operational response of HMRC to requests from Partner Agencies to aid multi agency response to slavery and trafficking cases by exchanging information and working with RIS to identify cases for compliance activity where there are HMRC risks.

Illegal working is defined as:

  • those workers who have no right to be in the UK (Non EEA)
  • those who were working beyond their visa restrictions (Non EEA)
  • those being unlawfully employed and in exploitative conditions. (EEA).

This widens the scope to include NMW and worker exploitation up to and including Modern Slavery.

Modern slavery encompasses:

  • slavery
  • human trafficking
  • forced labour
  • domestic servitude

The Illegal Working and Labour Market Team have a cross government network and can assist you with liaising with OGDs and provide advice on joint working.

If you are approached by another government agency to set up a partnership please contact Illegal Working and Labour Market Team.