CH212100 - How to do a compliance check: records: statutory records: general
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<p>#Statutory records are records that the relevant tax laws require a person to keep. They are the records needed to enable a person to make a complete and accurate return, declaration or claim and HMRC to check it.</p><p>The records deemed to be statutory records will depend on the tax regime and the size and nature of a business or a person’s tax affairs. </p><p>Sometimes records are specified in legislation, for example VAT records. These are commonly called specified records, see CH212200.</p><p>Other legislation does not specify particular records that must be kept as long as they are sufficient to make a complete and accurate return. These are sometimes referred to as non-specified records, see CH212300.</p><p>CH10200 gives more guidance on the nature and extent of records that are required.</p><p>CH10300 gives guidance on the general rules for record-keeping and links to details of the legislation for each tax regime.</p><p>The relevance of statutory records to a compliance check carried out using powers under FA08/SCH36 is that HMRC officers have the power to enter a person’s business premises and inspect their statutory records, see CH255525. Also, a person does not have the right to appeal against a requirement in a taxpayer notice for a person to produce statutory records, see CH223200.</p><p>Records that are not statutory records, known as supplementary records, may be reasonably required under FA08/SCH36 to check a person’s tax position but a person may appeal against the taxpayer notice.</p>