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CH227140 - How to do a compliance check: information powers: third party notice: bank mandates: specimen letter

Letters sent to branch managers of banks should be in the form set out below.

To The Manager

Branch of Bank

M………………………………………………… has authorised me to approach you for information about his (her) financial affairs which you may possess as his(her) bankers. I enclose a copy of his (her) authority and would propose to call upon you by appointment in due course bringing with me the original authority. [Amend this sentence appropriate if writing to a bank with a central address for dealing with mandates].

The matters on which I would like information when we meet are

  1. What accounts (whether open or closed) to your knowledge M……………………… has maintained at your branch since ……………………………………
  2. For what period or periods particulars of the entries in these accounts are still available in the Bank’s ledgers.
  3. For what period or periods the
  • paying-in slips, and
  • paid cheques

are still available. (If any documents relating to any of these accounts are about to be destroyed, please retain them until after my intended visit.)

  1. What standing orders or direct debits on these accounts are (or have been) in force.
  2. Whether, so far as you can trace from your records, you have at any time

    1. bought or sold stocks, shares or other securities on behalf of M……………………………
  3. held any boxes, parcels, valuables or other securities for safe custody
  4. issued any Bankers’ draft
  5. sold foreign currency or travellers’ cheques to M………………………………………
  6. transferred any funds out of the United Kingdom on behalf of M…………………………
  7. had any other dealings with M……………………………………

  8. Whether you have any knowledge of other bank accounts operated by M……………………… otherwise than at your branch.
  9. Whether there are any other banking accounts which you have reason to believe may have a bearing on M……………………………’s financial affairs, or to which he (she) is or has been a party or, on which he (she) is or has been entitled to sign, but about which you cannot give me information without some authority other than the present one.