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CH227290 - How to do a compliance check: information powers: rules that apply to all notices: notices to banks about their customers: compliance with the notice

Normally the bank will respond to an information notice by providing the required information or copies of the specified documents. You should discuss compliance with the notice if the bank so request.

You may be able to accept abstracts of financial data where this can be provided more conveniently than documents, but without prejudice to HMRC’s statutory rights.

You can normally accept copies of documents and information from banks in either electronic or paper form. Where electronic copies are provided, the bank will need to ensure that the copy can be decrypted and read by HMRC. If this proves not to be the case you should contact the bank to request a copy that can be decrypted.

You should bear in mind that these arrangements are aimed at minimising, for you and the banks concerned, any practical difficulties arising from action under or compliance with the legislation. Should there be disagreement in a particular case about the interpretation of these arrangements or the legislation itself, for example, whether or not a local branch has complied with a formal notice, you should make a report to (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) .

Advice should also be sought on any difficulty arising from informal requests or formal notices issued to banks not covered by these arrangements.