CH228280 - How to do a compliance check: information powers: excise information notice: persons on whom a notice can be served

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<p>CEMA79/S118BA gives you the power to serve a notice on any person requiring them to provide documents that you reasonably require for the purpose of protecting, securing, collecting or managing excise duties.</p><p>‘Person’ has a wide meaning, see CH21580 for a full list. </p><p>In practice, you should not use s118BA to get information and documents from a revenue trader whose identity you know, instead you should use s118B.</p><p>Example 1</p><p>You can issue an excise information notice under CEMA79/S118BA to Cemantic Transport Ltd, a company that leases vehicles, for information about who is renting certain vehicles, where the lessees are suspected of being involved in the movement of excise goods. </p><p>However, if Cemantic itself carries excise goods then it is a revenue trader and you would use powers under s118B to get the information you require. You would not issue an excise information notice under s118BA.</p><p>Example 2</p><p>You want information from The Bank of Freedonia about finance provided to a revenue trader.</p><p>The Bank is itself a revenue trader because it provides funds to someone involved in the trade of revenue goods. </p><p>You may consider that in this case the power under s118B is open to challenge and that a tribunal-approved notice, where the Bank has an opportunity to make representations, is required. You should consult the ECSM policy team before you take any action to issue a notice under s118BA.</p>