CH283000 - How to do a compliance check: liaison and feedback

This page and chapter are under review as the relevant content is also published in the technical guidance chapters of the Compliance Handbook, within Compliance checks factsheets and in Compliance checks guidance. If you use particular pages regularly, please email to let us know the specific content you find useful.

Throughout your check you will have been liaising with other parts of HMRC that have, or might have, an interest in your check.

You need to review your check regularly to ensure that you have the right technical support to address the risks identified and complete your check.

For example, you may need specialist valuation advice at an early stage in your check. Getting the right technical and specialist support at an early stage will help you avoid delay and will help to reduce the burden on the customer. The 'Business Area' tab on the Intranet Home page directs you to current contact details for specialist teams across the business.

If it is clear that the person will have difficulty in paying tax/duty as a result of your check then you should contact Debt Management to alert them to potential collection difficulties.

Where a risk is identified outside of your tax regime or area of experience, a RIS referal may be required. You may find the following Referral link helpful in your consideration. This will allow Risk and Intelligence Services (RIS) to understand the research needed to extend the current check or start a new check.

You should always send feedback to RIS using the processes in place for the check you are doing.

If you identify trade-based information during the course of your check then you should send feedback to the Business Information Unit by email to BIU@comp.

If you identify a person as being an Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) you should report any findings to the AEO Central Site by email. 

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

Where you suspect that a tax agent has engaged in dishonest conduct, see technical guidance starting at CH180000 and operational guidance starting at CH880000. Where you identify other types of poor agent behaviour, see CH800000.