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CH28650 - Data gathering: Relevant data-holders and relevant data: Interest etc: Relevant data - Regulation 9

Payments of interest in respect of deposits

In cases to which Regulation 8, see CH28640, does not apply, relevant data relating to payments of interest in respect of deposits is

a. the reference number of the account in respect of which a payment was made and, where necessary for identifying the account, the reference number or other identifier of the branch of the payer where the account is held,

b. where a payment was made to two or more account holders, notification of that fact and, if known, the number of such persons,

c. where the payment was made without deduction of tax by virtue of a declaration made after 5 April 2001 under section 858, 859, 860 or 861 of the Income Tax Act 2007 (ITA 07)

  • the name and principal residential address of the individual beneficially entitled to the payment or, if more than one, of each individual entitled to the payment, or
  • where the person beneficially entitled to the payment is a Scottish partnership, all the partners in which are individuals, the name and principal residential address of each of the partners,

d. in a case falling within (c) above notification of the fact that the account in respect of which the payment was made was one in respect of which a declaration had been made as mentioned in that sub-paragraph,

e. the national insurance number or tax identification number (or confirmation that a national insurance number or tax identification number is not held) of the person or, where (b) above applies, each person to whom a payment was made for any account opened on or after 6 April 2013, and for any account opened earlier if such number is provided to the deposit-taker or building society,

f. where a payment made in the course of the year was the first payment in respect of an account, notification of that fact, and

g. where a payment was in a currency other than sterling and the amount of the payment is recorded in that currency in the data provided under a data-holder notice notification of the fact that the amount is so recorded and the specification of the currency concerned.


SI 2012/REG9