CH600350 - The One to Many approach: approval: Full assurance process

This page and chapter are under review as the relevant content is also published in the technical guidance chapters of the Compliance Handbook, within Compliance checks factsheets and in Compliance checks guidance. If you use particular pages regularly, please email to let us know the specific content you find useful.

The Full Assurance model covers all new paper and digital activities. The process also applies for re-runs that were originally approved over two years ago and for re-runs where significant changes have been made. You should always follow the steps below:

  • Follow the OTM Standards Framework to fully form your idea.
  • Identify mandatory and appropriate stakeholders within the Design Community you may need to liaise with.
  • If resource isn’t available in line of business, discuss your resource requirements with CCG Campaigns and Projects as soon as the need is identified.
  • If resource cannot be secured the request will be escalated to Compliance Planning Committee for review.
  • Advise the OTM Assurance Team that your idea is ready to be submitted to the OTM Assurance Group for approval.

Note - if resource is required for your activity you will need to secure this before taking your idea to OTM Assurance group.

  • Implement and deliver your idea, see CH600500
  • Evaluate your idea, see CH600600

For more information on the assurance process please see the CCG OTM Assurance intranet pages.