COG100400 - TRUCE Workbench VAT Guidance: workbench: pre-credibility queries in workbench and EF: contents
COG100410Dealing with pre-creds in workbench and EF - Process flow (1)
COG100420Dealing with pre-creds in workbench and EF - Process flow (2)
COG100440Dealing with pre-creds in workbench and EF
COG100460Workbench homepage
COG100480Viewing the task list
COG100500In trays
COG100520Navigating through pre-cred in an in-tray
COG100540Sorting and filtering
COG100560Pre-cred search
COG100580Selecting multiple pre-creds in the task list
COG100600Batch updates on the task list
COG100620Modifying the state or in-tray
COG100640Accessing the pre-cred details
COG100660Accessing pre-cred data
COG100680The risk details tab