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COG19000 - Caseflow Scanning: Contents

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

  1. COG19100
    Process Map - Scanning Overview
  2. COG19120
    Scanning Guidance: about scanning
  3. COG19130
    Unprocessed tax returns
  4. COG19140
    Process Map - sending letters to customers for Caseflow Scanning cases
  5. COG19160
    Scanning Guidance: sending letters to customers for caseflow scanning cases
  6. COG19170
    Electronic data
  7. COG19175
    Large amounts of paperwork
  8. COG19180
    Process Map - Caseworker sends documents to Wolverhampton
  9. COG19200
    Caseworker sends documents to Wolverhampton
  10. COG19210
    Recorded delivery
  11. COG19220
    Process Map - Access Scanned documents
  12. COG19240
    Scanning Guidance: access scanned documents
  13. COG19245
    Adobe reader toolbar buttons
  14. COG19250
    Incorrect date and urgency rating
  15. COG19255
    Naming Conventions
  16. COG19260
    Process Map - Review documents
  17. COG19280
    Review documents
  18. COG19300
    Process Map - Reject documents
  19. COG19320
    Reject documents
  20. COG19340
    Process Map - Accept documents
  21. COG19360
    Accept documents
  22. COG19380
    Process Map - Document Reply Required
  23. COG19400
    Document Reply Required
  24. COG19420
    Process Map - Retrieval of Scanned documents
  25. COG19440
    Retrieval of Scanned documents
  26. COG19460
    Process Map - Requesting a search of Scanned documents
  27. COG19480
    Requesting a search of Scanned documents
  28. COG19500
    Process Map - Images accepted in error
  29. COG19520
    Images accepted in error
  30. COG19530
    Document scanned to the wrong case - copying images to another case
  31. COG19535
    Images relevant to more than one case
  32. COG19540
    Process Map - documents containing Human Intelligence Information
  33. COG19560
    Documents containing Human Intelligence Information
  34. COG19580
    Process Map - documents containing Human Intelligence Information - image already accepted
  35. COG19600
    Documents containing Human Intelligence Information - image already accepted
  36. COG19620
    Post received for closed Caseflow cases
  37. COG19625
    Process map - items scanned into caseflow that should be captured in Electronic Folder (EF)
  38. COG19630
    Process map - items scanned into Electronic Folder (EF) that should be captured in Caseflow
  39. COG19635
    Items scanned into Caseflow or Electronic Folder (EF) that should be captured in the other system
  40. COG19700
    Managers - View Reports