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CISR14160 - The Scheme: construction operations: fire protection systems

| CISR14600 | Action guide contents | |—————————————————————————————————–|———————–|

FA04/S74 (2)(c) says that the ‘installation in any building or structure of systems of … fire protection’ is within the scope of the Construction Industry Scheme’.

In practice, systems concerned with the protection of a building and its occupants tend to fall into the following classes

  1. Fire alarm systems providing audible warnings. These are usually triggered by a person.
  2. Fire detection systems made up of a network of heat or smoke sensors that automatically trigger audible/visible warnings.
  3. Fire detection systems made up of a network of heat or smoke sensors that, in addition to triggering audible/visible warnings, set off structural protection systems such as sprinkler systems.
  4. Structural fire protection systems such as sprinkler systems, fireproof cladding and automatic door/Shutter closing mechanisms.

Fire alarm systems and fire detection systems limited to providing audible/visible warnings essentially fulfil a public safety function. In that respect they are technically similar to security warning systems (as in 1 & 2 above). The installation of these systems is considered to be outside the scope of CIS.

Structural fire protection systems and those fire detection systems that interact with structural protection systems fall squarely within the description of ‘systems of fire protection’ (as in 3 & 4 above). The installation of these systems is caught by CIS.