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CISR14210 - The Scheme: construction operations: locksmiths

| CISR14600 | Action guide contents | |—————————————————————————————————–|———————–|

The installation of locks in isolation on new buildings or on buildings where ‘construction operations’ have been carried out is outside the scope of the Scheme. This also applies to the installation of security doors and grilles, where no alteration or repair to the building is required.

The replacement of locks on a new for old basis is not treated as being within the scope of the Scheme. Where, however, the replacement results in the need for repair or other modification to the door, doorframe or other surrounding surfaces, this is treated as within the Scheme.

Excluded from CIS

  • Computerised locking systems (See CISR14290 - security systems for more details).
  • New or replacement locks, where there is no requirement for repair or modification to the door, doorframe or the surrounding structure and surfaces.