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CISR17215 - The Scheme: Secondary legislation: Regulation 20A

This regulation deals with payments under a construction contract made by a landlord to a tenant or a prospective tenantA payment made under a construction contract is not a contract payment if the following conditions are met  

  • the payment is made by or on behalf of the landlord (as defined in SI2005/2045 Regulation 20A(2)(b)) 

  • the person receiving the payment is a tenant/sub-tenant or prospective tenant/sub-tenant of the landlord 

  • the payment is for construction operations agreed in connection with a lease or an enforceable agreement to enter into a lease 

  • the tenant that occupies or will occupy the property will carry out the construction operations itself, or a third person will carry out the construction operations under a contract with the tenant 

  • the payment is for construction operations relating to works intended primarily for the benefit and use of the tenant that occupies or will occupy the property under the lease