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CISR19610 - The Scheme: Agent guidance: Agent guidance

| CISR19000 | Information guide contents | |—————————————————————————————————–|—————————-|

To view an agent’s details, from the CIS main menu

  • enter window ‘View Customer’, then
  • select the ‘Agent Details’ tab in the top menu bar.

For a Customer Level Agent, the following information is provided:

  • agent’s name
  • client’s reference number
  • agent’s address including postcode
  • agent’s telephone number

Where the agent is scheme specific, in addition to the above, there are further entries to state whether the agent is

  • Internet enabled. In that event the Internet Agent Reference number will be shown
  • Only authorised for paper transactions
  • Authorised to receive scheme output

It is not possible to update any information concerning an agent from the ‘Agent Details’ window. This is because it is a ‘view only’ function. You are also unable to amend any details for a Customer level Agent as this information flows from the SA/COTAX systems, and the details for a Customer Level Agent can only be amended from there.

To update the details for a Scheme Specific Agent, from the CIS main menu

  • select ‘Update Customer’
  • this leads to the ‘Designatory Details’ screen
  • select [Next] at the bottom of the window
  • then select the [Scheme Agent] button

There is then provision to

  • change the name and address and contact number of the agent
  • remove the agent from the record

For Scheme Specific Agents

there is additional functionality. The function ‘Update Customer’ can be used to

  • convert an Internet only authorisation into fully authorised by Internet on receipt of a letter
  • end a scheme specific agent
  • end an agent’s authority after the de-authorisation message is received from the e- channel. The record in this instance is updated automatically.

Using the function View Customer Details enables examination of all of the Construction Industry Schemes that a particular Scheme Specific Agent is acting for. Please remember that if a Scheme Specific Agent’s details change, these will need to be updated for each separate scheme record. There is no facility which enables all records to be automatically updated when just one record has been amended. However, where the agent’s address changes, it should not be necessary to repeatedly type out the entire new postal address on every scheme record. Provided that the correct street number and full postcode of the new address are known, the system should find the complete postal address without any need for the operator to manually type this on to the record in its entirety.