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CISR22080 - Authenticate customer: authentication: authentication of an agent/capacitor

| CISR22600 | Action guide contents | |—————————————————————————————————–|———————–|

Because of our commitment to keeping customer information confidential it is essential that you know that the person wishing to use our services is the customer or someone who you have on record as being authorised to act on their behalf. In order to ‘authenticate’ that person/contact successfully you must first establish their identity and ensure that they know sufficient details relating to the customer to pass ‘Authentication’.

To pass ‘Authentication’ the contact must supply all the usual items of authentication forthe client (as detailed under the various sections in this chapter). However, inaddition to supplying the necessary information about their client, anagent or appointee must also supply two items of information from the following


  • Agent/Capacitor name
  • Agent/Capacitor client reference number
  • Agent/Capacitor address

In order for an Agent/Capacitor to act for a customer, HMRC must hold a valid authority. This could be in the form of a verbal consent for a single call or letter orform 64-8 for a defined or indefinite period.

Where the customer wishes an ‘appointee’ to act for a single occasion only you may proceed where

  • the customer is also present with the appointee during the contact, and
  • the customer has first been fully authenticated.

Only after the person making contact has been authenticated successfully may you move on to the next stage dealing with the purpose of the call. Where authentication is not successful the call should be terminated and the contact asked to send details to you in writing. Where you are suspicious as to the origins of the call or the caller you should consider marking the contact as Bogus . Refer to CISR22650 for more details about this.