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CISR22110 - Authenticate customer: authentication: suspect/bogus contacts

| CISR22600 | Action guide contents | |—————————————————————————————————–|———————–|

Suspect/bogus contacts

Any contacts that

  • have been marked as suspicious,
  • are relevant to the current contact, and
  • are three months old or less

will be brought to your attention by the CIS system when the ‘Authenticate’window is opened.

Where there is a previous record of abandoned or suspicious contacts for this CIS record (and phone number), or the caller provides incorrect responses to questions aimed at authentication, you will need to obtain additional further information from the caller to satisfy yourself as to the true identity of the contact.

The ‘Additional’ items to be obtained are

  • Phone number
  • Trading Name
  • Business address
  • Nature of trade
  • Date and time of last contact.

Provided two of the above items of information are supplied, in addition to those required as part of the normal process, authentication can be treated as passed successfully.

Only after the person making contact has been authenticated successfully may you move onto the next stage dealing with the purpose of the contact/visit. Where authentication isnot successful you should politely but firmly insist that you are unable to assist further until the caller can provide you with evidence to confirm their identity and ask them to put the matter in writing.

In those circumstances the visit/call should be terminated and a record made of the reason (Refer to CISR22650 for how to record suspect bogus contacts).