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CISR31610 - Register and Maintain Contractor: Update Contractors scheme details

CISR Reference Topic
CISR31000 Information contents

This action guide explains how to amend information held on the contractor scheme record. You should ensure that you have the appropriate access rights in the Contractors Processing Office before you begin.

Schemes are set up in the Employer Business Service (EBS) who will automatically notify CIS when a scheme is set up when either the employer tells us they are paying employees and subcontractors or the contractor tells us they are paying subcontractors only. EBS and the Employment Framework will handle and notify CIS of any non CIS scheme related details that change. These details cannot be updated in CIS and will be ‘Read Only’ in ‘Update Schemes.’ If however the information is recorded and stored in CIS then it is subsequently also amendable in ‘Update Schemes’.

To update scheme details enter the Accounts Office or Employer reference in the appropriate field on the Identify Customer window. After successfully authenticating the scheme you will go to the CIS Main Menu where the contractor’s scheme will be already selected. If you are unable to use the scheme’s Accounts Office or Employer’s reference you should use the customer’s UTR. On selecting Update Customer from the CIS Main Menu, you will be taken to the Designatory Details window of the contractor selected.

There are three windows within Update Schemes where you can make amendments:

  • Designatory Details window
  • Scheme Details window
  • Scheme Agent window

Designatory Details window

There are two panels within this window:

  • Designatory Details – The details shown relate to the contractor who operates the scheme. The details will have been taken from the contractor’s SA or COTAX record.
  • SA/CT Agent – These details refer to the contractor’s SA or COTAX agent.

Within the Designatory Details panel are the following fields;

  • The contractor’s name, title or honours - you cannot amend the information in this field.
  • Email Address – you cannot amend the information in this field.
  • Amend an address - you will be able to view the various address types connected to the individual or company acting in the capacity of a subcontractor. (If you wish to amend the CIS communication address relating to the scheme you should select the ‘Next’ button at the bottom of this window which will take you to the ‘Scheme Details’ window where you should make any changes). If there is an incorrect entry you should select the address to be amended from the drop down selection and then select the [Change Address] tab. If the contractor owning the scheme is an individual you can update each of the address types, in all other cases the only address type that you can add or change is the CIS communication address.

Note that where a contractor record holds a CIS communication address and the contractor no longer wishes to use that address (and does not advise of a replacement CIS communication address), you should select the ‘Remove Address’ button to remove the entry. This button will only be enabled when the CIS communication address is the address being displayed.

  • Set or unset the RLS signal by ticking the check box. You should ensure that the RLS signal if set relates to the correct address type shown. You will however only be able to set this signal for each of the address types if the contractor owning the scheme is an individual. In all other cases you can only set it on the CIS communication address.
  • Contact numbers - to change a contact number you should select the appropriate number from the drop down selection and then delete the said entry and replace with the correct details.

To add a new contact type number you should select the [Add Contact] tab, which will direct you to the Add Contact Number window. You should then select the appropriate contact type and enter the new details in both fields.
If the contractor running the scheme is an individual all of the contact types can be added or amended on CIS. If the contractor is not an individual the contact types are communication number and registered number and neither of these can be amended on CIS.

  • Special Needs - Amend the record to show any ‘special needs’ if appropriate to the contractor from the selection in the drop down menu if the contractor is an individual. For all others the information is ‘read only’.
  • Inhibit all Customer Output - Before you consider setting the signal manually, be sure to check whether or not an agent is authorised to receive correspondence. If so, consider whether it is still appropriate to inhibit output. If it is, select an entry from the radio buttons. Remember, once the signal is set, no automatic CIS correspondence will be issued.

SA/CT Agent Details panel

The details within this panel refer to the contractors SA or COTAX agent if there is one acting. The details shown will be the agent’s name, first line of their address and full postcode and are ‘read only’.

Within this panel you can activate the following indicators

  • Inherit Agent – The contractor will have a record in SA or COTAX. If they have an agent acting on their behalf (and form 64-8 is held) the name and address of that agent will automatically transfer onto (by overnight process) the contractor’s CIS record. This will be shown by the radio button which will have automatically defaulted to ‘YES’. If the contractor contacts HMRC to advise that this agent is not acting in respect of his CIS affairs you should select and ‘set’ the NO button.

If the contractor has no agent acting on their behalf the radio button will have automatically defaulted to ‘No’. If you change the selection from ‘No’ to ‘Yes’ for a scheme a message box displays ‘All outputs will be withheld’. This is because if there is already a CIS Scheme Specific Agent’ acting, all output will go automatically to them. To remove the message press ‘OK’.

  • Allow Scheme Output to Agent – The agent will not automatically receive scheme output (such as monthly returns) unless the contractor specifically requests this. The radio button will therefore have automatically defaulted to ‘No’. If the contractor requests that this agent receives scheme output you should change the radio button to ‘Yes’. Once this signal has been changed to ‘Yes’, it will remain indefinitely until the signal is changed even where there is a change of agent.

For more detailed information on the two types of authorised agents for contractors and subcontractors refer to CISR19010 onwards.

Once you have made all the necessary amendments required in this window you should select the [Next] button which will take you to the Scheme Details window. If you have no further changes to make you should then select the [OK] button to confirm any amendments made.

If you do not wish to proceed with the changes you should select [Cancel] and any changes made will be lost. You will be returned to the CIS Main Menu.

If however you have further amendments to make continue as below to the ‘Scheme Details’ window.

Scheme Details window

This window is made up of three panels within which you can amend any incorrect data and replace with the ‘new’ data:

  • Scheme Details
  • Address Details
  • Employer Compliance Review
  • Scheme Details
  • date subcontractor first paid. Initially this start date is entered on EBS at the time the scheme is registered and flows over to the CIS record and becomes a pre-populated entry on this window. Changing the start date to an earlier date may prompt the CIS system to automatically issue further monthly returns. These returns will cover the period from the new start date to the previous ‘start date’ recorded.
  • Inactivity start and end dates. A contractor can request inactivity in CIS for a period of six months when they no longer make payments to subcontractors. If a request is made for a longer period they should be advised to contact HMRC again when the six month period is up. The CIS system will not issue any further returns during the inactive period. For further information on Inactivity see CISR67000

    • The start date will always be the 6th of the relevant month for which inactivity is being requested. The format to use is DD/MM/YYYY. The default date will be 06 of the current period. So, if today’s date is 23 May, the start date is 6th May. You cannot set a retrospective inactivity period start date, that is, one prior to the current month.
    • The end date will always be five months on from the current period. The format to use is DD/MM/YYYY. DD will always be 05 here. So, if today’s date is 23 May, period 1 is 6th May to 5th June. Period 6 is therefore 6th October to 5th November. Remember the only period appropriate to a requested period of inactivity is six months at a time.
    • Address Details
    • The contractors preferred filing method (for monthly returns). The preference can be updated manually or automatically. The drop down menu lists the preferences;

      • Paper
      • Internet - If you make this selection the system will check that the scheme is enrolled to use the Internet or has an agent who is authorised to file by Internet. If not the system will display an error message.
      • EDI - If you change the preference to EDI the system will display a warning message asking you to check that IMS Electronic Business Unit have authorised this.

      • Printer Friendly Returns End (date) – This applies to contractors who were (prior to 6th April 2007) using software to print CIS vouchers and substitution sheets for their annual return. These contractors will have advised HMRC (the Helpline) that it will pose problems for them to submit their monthly returns information either by ‘paper’ or online. They will be sent a supply of manual return forms and Printer Friendly Continuation Sheets (PFCS) for a maximum period of 3 months. They will need to contact the Helpline again after 3 months if they wish to extend the agreement. The Helpline advisor (only) will make an entry when it is agreed to allow the use of PFCS. The entry of a date in this field will prevent the issue of pre-populated returns until the date has passed.
      • Special Needs - Amend the record to show any ‘special needs’ where the customer has indicated the requirement for special output from the selection in the drop down menu. If there are ‘none’ ‘Standard’ should be selected.
    • You will be able to view the various address types connected to the scheme. If there is an incorrect entry you should select the address to be amended from the drop down selection and then select the [Change Address] tab. You should then make any amendments required. It should be noted that the CIS communication address is the only address type that you can add or change in CIS for a scheme. Changes to the other address types are notified to CIS by EBS and the Employments Framework.

      • If you wish to add a new address you should select the Add Address tab. This will direct you to the Add Address window. You should then make any amendments required.
      • where a CIS communication address is held and the contractor no longer wishes to use that address (and does not advise of a replacement CIS communication address), you should select the ‘Remove Address’ button to remove the entry. This button will only be enabled when the CIS communication address is the address being displayed.
      • Set or unset the RLS signal by ticking the check box. You should ensure that the RLS signal if set relates to the correct address type shown. Setting this signal will result in the suspension of any CIS generated forms or leaflets. This will apply until either the signal is unset or a new address entered.
      • Employer Compliance Review (ECR)
      • Only staff responsible for conducting ECR are likely to complete these fields. Employer Compliance staff must add details of the start and end dates of the employer compliance review as appropriate, as well as the reference of the office that undertook the employer compliance review. You may also enter additional notes in the free format Details box, which will allow you to enter up to a maximum of 100 characters.

      Once you have made all the necessary amendments required in this window you should then select the OK button to confirm any amendments made.

      If you do not wish to proceed with the changes you should select [Cancel] and any changes made will be lost. You will be returned to the CIS Main Menu.

      If however you have further amendments to make you should continue by selecting the Scheme Agent button at the bottom of the window.
      Scheme Agent window ——————-

      When a scheme is registered the customer’s authorised SA or CTSA agent is automatically authorised to represent the scheme and known as a Customer Level Agent (but will not automatically receive any contractor scheme output).

      However the customer can authorise a scheme agent to act in connection with a specific scheme or schemes that is different to their Customer Level Agent by giving us written authority. When a customer authorises a scheme specific agent to act, the customers SA or CTSA agent is prevented from transacting on behalf of the specified scheme. The details shown within the ‘scheme agent’ window refer to the scheme specific agent if one has been appointed.

      For more detailed information on the two types of authorised agents for contractors and subcontractors refer to CISR19010 onwards.

      When the ‘scheme agent’ window is first displayed the fields are ‘read only’

      • Agent Changes – To make changes to existing scheme (specific) agent details select the appropriate option from the drop down menu. The following options will be available
      • Remove agent
      • Update agent
      • Fully authorise
      • If there are no scheme (specific) agent details within the fields you should select ‘Add Agent’. On doing this the message ‘Has authorisation been received to amend CIS Scheme Specific Agent’ will be displayed. If the completed form 64-8 is held select ‘OK’ to remove the message and continue adding the scheme (specific) agent details.
      • To update registration information with scheme specific agent details enter the necessary information in the relevant fields. Fields requiring an entry will be marked with an asterisk. The possible fields requiring completion will be:
      • Name
      • Address type
      • Agent’s address including postcode
      • Agent’s contact number
      • Client’s reference number
      • Internet enabled. If this is the case the Internet Agent Reference number will be shown
      • Authorised for – the possible three entries will be: fully authorised to act by paper, fully authorised by Internet and authorised to act by Internet only.
      • Fully Authorised – by entering a tick in the check box you can either convert an Internet only authorisation into a fully authorised by Internet on receipt of a 64-8 (New) or convert a fully authorised by Internet agent to a fully authorised by paper agent. See CISR19050 Agent Guidance for further information.

      Reset Button – If you select an option from the ‘Agent Changes’ drop down menu in error you will need to select the Reset button before selecting the correct option and re-entering the details.

      Once you have made all the necessary amendments required in this window you should select [Confirm Agent] to confirm the amendments made. You will then be returned to the Scheme Details window. Pressing [OK] will update the registration information with all the changes you have made.

      Note: When making changes to the address of a Scheme Specific Agent, when you return to the Scheme Details window it may appear that instead of the agent’s address being updated, that the address for the Scheme has been altered instead. In fact, this will not have happened and only the Scheme Specific Agent’s address will have been changed. This is a known fault on the system at present.

      If you do not wish to proceed with the changes you should select ‘Cancel’ and any changes made will be lost. You will be returned to the CIS Main Menu.
