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CISR63030 - Monthly return: log and capture monthly return: capture data from monthly return

| CISR63600 | Action guide contents | |—————————————————————————————————–|———————–|

What information needs to be captured?

The term ‘capture’ refers to the entering of the information (or data) shown on a return into the CIS computer system. The data is then processed to inform the HMRC about payments made to, and deductions taken from subcontractors working for contractors in the Construction Industry.

The term ‘capture’ means we do just that - capture the information as it is shown on the return. Any errors or mistakes can be rectified during the processing stage.

Rapid Data Capture (RDC)

The vast majority of returns capturing will be by way of a process known as Rapid Data Capture (RDC). This process is based at the Construction Industry Processing Centre in Netherton, Merseyside.

CIS returns will all be grouped together on receipt at Netherton from Royal Mail as the return address for CIS returns (CIS300) will share the same postcode. Aspire staff will open the envelopes on the day of receipt and check the contents. Items may fall into various categories; see CISR68610 for more information about these.

Where the return can proceed to scanning the forms will be collated into management batch sizes, each batch of returns carrying with it the date of receipt for that batch of returns on a batch header sheet, only returns with the same date of receipt will be grouped together in a single batch. If the returns within a batch are all suitable for processing, the whole batch will be placed into crates and the crates are then passed to an Aspire operator for scanning and electronic images produced of each return within the batch.

The RDC operation captures both the handwriting and specified pre-populated detail from specific areas on HMRC return forms CIS300, CIS300CS, CIS300(man) and CIS300(man)(CS), and it then converts the writing into electronic information. These electronic images are then transferred for background processing by both Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) and Optical Character Recognition (OCR). These processes attempt to interpret specified fields within the form(s) in accordance with rules they have been given and this information is then transmitted to the HMRC CIS computer system for processing.

If there are any difficulties here with fields being read, the electronic image becomes the subject of a work management item and is handled by HMRC (OS) staff manually. Images that cannot be dealt with electronically are handled and captured manually by a team based at the Processing Centre.

The overall aim of RDC is to capture data that accurately reflects the content of the return submitted. It is neither a requirement nor an objective to verify data on the form outside of a defined minimum. So, anything other than the odd character repair (for example, making an ‘l’ look like a ‘t’ if that is what was intended, and so on) will fall to an HMRC team for manual capture.

Once the data relating to the electronic image of a return has been successfully captured by RDC, the information is transmitted electronically to ERIC. ERIC is the acronym for External Routing Interface Component. Basically it’s a holding system for returns filed electronically. ERIC stores and passes information and data from electronically filed returns to other systems (for example, ECS, EBS, NIRS2, CIS). For monthly contractor returns ERIC will store data captured by RDC ready for later retrieval at the return processing stage. At the same time, the electronic images of the submitted return forms will be archived. See CISR63060 for more information.

Manual Capture

The ground rules for the capture of data from a logged return are the same whether the return is captured by RDC or manually.

Basically you’re capturing like for like. If it’s on the return, you capture it. Any errors will be picked up at the processing stage.

There are three possible channels of return submission:

  • by paper return sent by post (manual or pre-populated)
  • by telephone (nil returns only and only to the CIS helpline), or
  • by EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)

Exceptionally you may be involved in the logging and capture of returns sent in by post.