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CISR63070 - Monthly return: log and capture monthly return: capture problems - work items (WI)

| CISR63600 | Action guide contents | |—————————————————————————————————–|———————–|

Capture problems - introduction

The capture of a logged return may not be entirely straightforward in a few cases. However, even though it may not be possible, in some instances, for a return to undergo rapid data capture, invariably this will be possible manually.

Any return that cannot be automatically captured will be assigned what is known as ‘an exception report’. A ‘work item’ (WI) will then be created and the return passed to a back office team for manual capture.

Remember - the vast majority of the returns capture process will be handled by Rapid Data Capture and the associated back office at the Construction Industry Processing Centre in Netherton.

It is unlikely that capture will ever be necessary in a Processing Office.

However, for information purposes, the section at CISR63080 provides some background detail to some of the more commonly envisaged capture problems. This may be useful to you in a proactive capacity.