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CISR66620 - Monthly returns: errors on returns: how to correct a simple error on a return

| CISR66000 | Information contents | |—————————————————————————————————–|———————-|

Use this action guide to help you correct an error on a return. It applies whether you are correcting from

  • Correspondence
  • A face to face meeting at an Enquiry Centre, or
  • A telephone call.

However, you should note that, as a rule, all requests to correct an error on a return by telephone should be referred to the CIS Helpline on 0300 200 3210.

You should proceed as follows:

At the ‘Identify Customer’ window enter either the

  • UTR,


  • Accounts office reference
  • Alternatively, select the ‘Find Individual’ or ‘Find scheme’ button

Or you can bypass the authentication window by simply selecting ‘internal enquiry’ under ‘contact’. This will take you directly to the CIS Main Menu. Go to step 6 below.

Use the drop-down menu under ‘Contact’ to select who is contacting you about the error. This is a mandatory field. There are four options:

  • Customer
  • Agent
  • Capacitor
  • Third Party, or
  • Internal enquiry

Select one.

If you select one of the first three, you will need to authenticate the caller. Proceed to step 3 below.

If you need to authenticate, use the drop-down menu under ‘Channel’ to select by which method you have been contacted. This is also a mandatory field. Again, there are four options:

  • Phone (inbound)
  • Phone (outbound)
  • Paper, or
  • Face to face

Select one.

Selecting ‘OK’ will take you to the authenticate window.

Authenticate the caller. Again, selecting ‘OK’ will take you to the CIS main menu.

Select ‘Correct Return Error’, or, if the contractor has more than one scheme, check the box to the immediate left of the appropriate scheme, then ‘Correct Return Error’.

You will now be at the ‘Identify Required Return’ window. The relevant AO reference should already be pre-populated. Enter the period of the return you need to amend in the format MM/YYYY then select ‘OK’.

The next window will depend on the current status of the return.

Return Details window - a single ‘effective’ return has been found and then select ‘OK’. Proceed to step 9 below.

Unresolved Multiple Returns for same scheme and period window - two or more returns for the same scheme and period are held, but it is not yet known which is the effective return. See the action guide at CISR66630 for more information.

Unmatched return details window - returns have been submitted but have not been matched with the records we hold. See the action guide at CISR66640 for more information.

Returns not found for provided scheme and period window - no return can be found. See the action guide at CISR66650 for more information.

The ‘return details’ window shows the ‘effective’ return (and its match number) that has been found for amendment. Having checked the details to establish what needs to be revised, the ‘continue amendment’ selection from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the window will be displayed. Selecting ‘OK’ will take you to the ‘Find verified subcontractor’ window.

A list of the payments to subcontractors as detailed on the originally captured return is provided. Selecting any part of the relevant line will automatically populate the ‘subcontractor details’ and ‘payment details’ boxes. Selecting the check box at the left of the line will enable the user to select ‘Clear Payments’ button. This has the effect of changing all financial entries to zero for the entry selected. Selecting an entry from the list of subcontractors in the lower portion of the window (by clicking on any of the designatory information) will place the subcontractor entry on the right hand side of the window and enable the update button. Some lines may be blank and marked with an asterisk (*). This means that the information was missing from the return when it was processed.

Make any corrections the contractor wishes you to make and select ‘Update’. Note that failure to select ‘Update’ will result in any amendments that you have made not being saved. Only after ‘Update’ has been selected will the amended details be added. Repeat as required for each subcontractor.

Note: An exclamation mark (‘!’) to the left of any entries from the originally captured return suggests that something is either incorrect or was unclear. Ensure that these entries are corrected as well.

When you are content with the corrections made, select ‘Correction Completed’.

The next window will give you the message ‘by selecting OK a new version of the return data will be created and processed’. Use the drop-down menu to select the reason for the amendment. There are six options.

  • Telephone call
  • Letter
  • Face to Face contact confirmed in writing
  • Correction of Manual Capture Error
  • Continuation Sheet received
  • Work item (only people with the role of CIS exception handler should select this)At the ‘Identify Customer’ window enter either the

Selecting ‘OK’ will take you back to the CIS main menu.