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CISR66640 - Monthly returns: errors on returns: unmatched returns

| CISR66000 | Information contents | |—————————————————————————————————–|———————-|

Returns unmatched to a scheme and period will be stored by the CIS system and a high priority work item created. The responsibility for this lies with the CIS Centre at Newcastle.

You can correct an error on an unmatched return but first you need to match the return to the correct scheme and period

  1. At the ‘Identify Customer’ window select the ‘Correct Error on Return’ button.
  2. You will now be at the ‘Identify Required Return’ window. As the return is ‘unmatched’ to either a scheme or return period, the CIS processing centre will have replaced the AO reference with a pseudo AO reference (for example - NOREF1). The pseudo AO reference will be pre-populated in the window. Enter the period of the return you need to amend in the format MM/YYYY, then select ‘OK’.
  3. In the next window, headed ‘unmatched return details’ - you will be here if there was a return for the AO reference and period entered on the Identify Return window. However these references may not find a matching return and you can attempt to find the return using different criteria on the Locate Unmatched Return window. You can either check the tickbox to the left of individual contractor details and select the ‘Scheme Match’ button to narrow the possible matches down, or simply check the tickbox to the left of the correct scheme (if listed) and select the ‘Match Scheme’ button.

On selecting OK, the CIS system attempts to find the return, and any hits are put on the Unmatched Return Details window. Now you can amend the scheme reference and/or the period of the return and change the return status from ‘unmatched’ to ‘effective’.

If you cannot match the return, you cannot make any amendments. Select ‘cancel’ to return to the CIS main menu. Failure to find any matches allows the operator to set an indicator to prompt the system to raise a high priority work item when the return is received (although there must be a correct scheme reference and period).

  1. Having checked the details to establish what needs to be revised, select ‘continue amendment’ from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the window. Selecting ‘OK’ will take you to the ‘Find verified subcontractor’ window.
  2. A list of the payments to subcontractors as detailed on the recently made effective and captured return is provided. Selecting any part of the relevant line will automatically populate the ‘subcontractor details’ and ‘payment details’ boxes.
  3. Make any corrections the contractor wishes you to make and select ‘Update’. This will add the amended details to the list of subcontractors on the return. Repeat as necessary.

Note: An exclamation mark (‘!’) to the left of any entries from the captured return suggests that something is either incorrect or was unclear. Ensure that these entries are corrected as well.

  1. When you are content with the corrections made, select ‘Correction Completed’.
  2. The next window will give you the message ‘by selecting OK a new version of the return data will be created and processed’. Use the drop-down menu to select the reason for the amendment. There are five options.
  • Telephone call
  • Letter
  • Manual capture correspondence
  • Return continuation sheet or
  • Work item (only people with the role of CIS exception handler should select this)

Selecting ‘OK’ will take you back to the CIS main menu.